This chorus is not being performed in 2025. But Thanks Be to God is a beautiful chorus, and comes immediately following the alto recitative Then Shall Be Brought To Pass, and the only duet in all of Messiah, O Death, Where Is They Sting. All three of these, the recit., duet and chorus, are set to verses found in 1 Corinthians 15. As the great story of our redemption comes to a stirring conclusion, we are reminded that those in Christ will have the ultimate and final victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, death on this earth is ever present. But someday soon, God will overthrow Death itself and cast it into the lake |
of fire, according to Revelations 20:14. When He does so, God shall give US the victory. Not because of anything we have done, but because of the redemptive work of Jesus on the Cross. Thanks be to God for that promise!
Audio Practice Files
Soprano Prominent:
Alto Prominent:
Tenor Prominent:
Bass Prominent:
Take it to the next level! See if you can sing your part without it played prominently! All parts played equally: