This chorus is not being performed in 2025. Let Us Break is one of two choruses in Messiah in which we take the role of the "bad guys." (The other is He Trusted In God in which the chorus taunts Jesus while he suffers on the cross.) To understand what this chorus is all about we must first understand that in the structure of Messiah, this chorus comes in Part II, Scene 6, titled, "The world and its rulers reject the Gospel." (See Wikipedia article on the structure of Messiah.) The words are from Psalm 2:3. In Psalm 2:1-4, we read that there will come a time when the kings of the earth will not only reject the gospel message, but will rise up against |
Lord and his anointed saying, "Let us break their bonds asunder..." In other words they will be in complete rebellion against the Lord and his people. We are playing the part of these rebellious kings. So how should we sing this chorus? Imagine a haughty, rebellious king, and then let this mental picture inform the way you sing these words. Does loud, rough and jagged come to mind? Sometimes it's fun to play the bad guy!
Audio Practice Files
Soprano Prominent:
Alto Prominent:
Tenor Prominent:
Bass Prominent:
Take it to the next level! See if you can sing your part without it played prominently! All parts played equally: