Worthy Is the Lamb and Amen are two choruses sung back to back. How does one describe these last two glorious choruses? Can heaven be more glorious? Yes, of course it can. It will be infinitely better! But these choruses surely give a taste of the divine. Their majesty and enormous sweep give them a place among the most thrilling choruses ever composed. Handel testified that as he wrote he felt as if heaven itself opened to him. Why should we doubt? The music certainly has the hand-print of God, and seems to transport us to the very throne itself. The words of this chorus
are taken from the Book of Revelation 5:12-13 which is a vision John had of a vast multitude gathered around the throne of God all saying with a loud voice, "Worthy is the Lamb..." What a day that will be! Until then, this chorus will have to do!
Audio Practice Files
Soprano Prominent:
Alto Prominent:
Tenor Prominent:
Bass Prominent:
Take it to the next level! See if you can sing your part without it played prominently! All parts played equally: